v5.1 - fix python 3 error (jastrab) v5.0 - Python 3 version v4.7 - Trigger to control lights on screensaver start and end [CR] v4.6 - Changes for Kodi v18 beta 3 - United version for Kodi 17.x and 18.x - Experimental support for Ceiling 650 - Typos fixed in language files v4.5 - Added support for White Bulb 2nd gen (ct_bulb) - Language file format related changes v4.4 - Small bug fix for color on play + debugging of colors sent - Bug fix for onplay-onstart v4.3 - Added ceiling4 (Yeelight JIAOYUE 650) lamp - Rare Libreelec Linux time format bug fix - Rare lat-lng bug fixed - Get sunset-sunrise rare bug fixed - Another small bug fix for date-time - Another bug fix for date-time - Increased bulb state change time to 15 seconds, step to 200ms - Bulb off at end fix v4.2 - Fixed bug in settings, small changes in settings v4.1 - Fixed bug in testing that it tested bulb 3 instead of 4 v4.0 - RenderCapture debug - Bug fix for light(s) off on Kodi exit - Small bug fix in settings v3.9 - Small changes to make it less error prone v3.8 - Set Ambi precision Regular, Better, High, Ultra High (if you experience delay, set to lower) - Small changes to make getting times (sunrise etc) less error prone v3.7 - Fixed a bug with autodiscover of bulbs wasn't able to write settings - Fixed bug with various options not working correctly with Ambi turned on - Fixed a bug with getting Kodi version when Apha - Completely rewrote logic for turning yee service and ambi service - Open URL added param to run on audio/video/both - Fixed a bug when video started during inactive hours and continued through active, pause-play didn't work correctly v3.6 - Fixed a bug where OnPlay wouldn't set correct value to bulb - Smoothen Ambi param changeable in steps of 10ms and possible to increase to 300ms v3.5 - Option to turn off lights at Kodi exit - Option for turn on lights at Kodi start to only turn on if in time-frame - Option "Return to original state" on video stop - Bug fix when Ambi and standard service used together - on stop event didn't work - Couple of typos fixed v3.4 - Open URL on play/pause/stop - Small bug fix for OSMC v3.3 - Set brightness bias for each bulb v3.2 - Ambi brightness setting updated every 5 minutes v3.1 - 4 max brightness settings for Ambi according to daytime (day, civil twilight, nautical twilight, night) v3.0 - Temporary fix for new bulb firmware, no bulb off v2.9 - Ambi function checks for Kodi version >= 17 v2.8 - Do not message controller if Video or ATV screensaver v2.7 - Update sunset-sunrise times every 24 hours v2.6 - Changed code for active hours, fixed - Fix small bug in "on at start" settings v2.5 - Complete rewrite of color recognition routines - Improve bulb color calc separation for Ambilight - Light separation for Left/Right: Choose between 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 size of screen - Added light separation for Up/Down (always 1/2 size of screen) - Option to smoothen Ambi effect - Each bulb can be assigned Ambi light from any zone v2.4 - Use Yeelight color bulb or LED strip as Ambilight - Increased number of bulbs to 8 - Tweaked settings so mono bulbs don't show color setting v2.3 - Bug fix when more then 3 bulbs v2.2 - Disable for live streams v2.1 - Option to disable for PVR v2.0 - Small bug fix v1.9 - Small bug fix for controller signalling v1.8 - Action to turn on bulb: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,bulb1_on" (replace 1 with bulb nr 1-4) - Action to turn off bulb: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,bulb1_off" (replace 1 with bulb nr 1-4) - Action to start service: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,service_start" - Action to stop service: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,service_stop" - Do not run when Video Screensaver or ATV screensaver active v1.7 - Added "ceiling" light - Small fixes v1.6 - Improved settings (element visibility according to number of bulbs) v1.5 - Bug fix when controller doesn't exist or respond (error handling) v1.4 - New option to send messages via POST to tasker plugin "Tasker Network Event Server" v1.3 - Test commands to test (simulate) playing functionality - Run from other addons, i.e. as action from Cinemavision - Action to run on play: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,bulb_play" - Action to run on pause: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,bulb_pause" - Action to run on stop: "addon://home/addons/service.yeemee/standalone.py,bulb_stop" v1.2 - Small bug fix with color flow v1.1 - Link to the forum corrected - Added different images for mono, color and stripe lights - Added color flow - enter color #000000 in settings - Fix bug with re reading settings v1.0 - Displays test results - Automatic bulb IP adress discovery - Display active time even when on automatic - Differentiate between bulb types (color, mono) v.93 - Fixed problem that it executed lights actions on non-video stop v.92 - Updated translations - Option to set active time to sunrise-sunset v.91 - Option to blink bulbs at startup - Option to blink bulbs at startup and turn them on - Small code and settings cleanup v0.9 - Fixed bug with short videos less than 1 hr v0.8 - Improved settings v0.7 - Option to turn the light(s) on Kodi start v0.6 - Tested on real bulb :) and made small changes v0.5 - Animation during bulb test v0.4 - Option to be active only in defined hours - Bulb test v0.3 - Return bulb to original state on stop - Do not do anything if "video shorter than" option v0.2 - Settings for 4 bulbs v0.1 - Initial release